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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Forward March

Life keeps moving forward at an alarming rate. Sean's college applications have all been sent - seriously? $600 just for the application process???? Now we sit back and wait...who will see what we know he has within him and bring him on board? Will the places on the top of his list offer him enough that it will be possible for him to go there? Lots of prayers these days. Meaghan's musical dreams are about to take off. By this time next year our home will have one less body living in it. I am always amazed at how many mom's look forward to that freedom...I find it sad, really, as for 98% of the time, we enjoy the time with our children! Yet another blessing we may not truly deserve! Today marks the beginning of Meaghan's journey into the real world of the very safe hands of some really important and connected professionals. It's a time filled with excitement and trepidation! As parents, we are obligated to help our children reach their goals and dreams and help them to pursue what brings them joy and happiness in life. We do so willingly, yet it comes with the fear of "are we doing the right thing" and "have we given them the right tools to be strong enough to succeed?" Again, all we can do is support and pray that she finds happiness and discovers what the true plan for her life is intended to be. Knowing that those who want to help her along this road to discovery are truly good people. Now there is much to do to plan and prepare for all that this upcoming year will bring our way. The more prepared, the less stress, the more successful we will all be. Looking forward to the whole process!