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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 7 - The end of vacation

Today I woke up to see more snow, gotta love New England, a long and unpleasant letter to read, and the realization that this vacation is ending today. After sitting back to reflect about all that I'd accomplished or not, I realize that I am happy with how our time was spent over this past week.

I was able to get a lot of knitting projects that I'd started long ago, completed. There's something magical about seeing a garment made with your own two hands, some yarn and a few sticks that is amazing! I forgot how much peace knitting provides me with. I must make sure to find time to do this everyday no matter what.

I also spent a whole lot of down time with Dan and the kids. We watched movies, played games, talked and just had some good times together. There were few expectations and each day was left unplanned. We did miss some things that would have been fun to do, but our time together during the regular school/work week no longer allows for quiet time together. As selfish as it is, I am glad that we had these days to ourselves for the most part!

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