Is anybody out there?

Friday, September 24, 2010


Well it just dawned on me that my 10 year highschool reunion is this summer. In August!!! YIKES!! I was a heavy girl in highschool. I wasn't huge or anything but big. I want to be really fit by the time the end of August comes. Now I realize that this is still almost 11 months away but It is a biggie goal for me to look hot when I see everyone again. So add another reason for me to get off my duff and get going on my weightloss.


  1. omg Reunion time is definitely something to shoot for as a goal! I was a little pudge in high school myself and it would be so fantastic to go back and be super confident and healthy. In eleven months molly you will be getting it! I suggest looking for a dress that you like find a pic of it and put it up somewhere! Trust me I've done it haha I actually have a picture of a bathing suit I want to fit into one day it keeps me motivated ;)haha Keep it up! How is the weight loss going?

  2. Sammy I actually have a swim suit. I bought it 3 summers ago and I have never fit it. I would like to by this summer though!!

  3. amen! I will be wearing a two piece this summer! We just have to keep on pushing :)

  4. guys, how do I become a contributor?

  5. check out the "final week post" I gave you some info there! I will email Christine and hopefully get you in soon!
