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Thursday, November 4, 2010

On the Road (of success) Again

Well I finally feel well enough to start exercising again. Now that I don't cough everytime I get my lungs going. Gonna try Jazzercise class tonight. My diet is working out well right now. I have been keeping better track of my food intake. I have cut out most carbs (all refined anyway) and sugar(refined). I am down 3 pounds in 4 days just by watching these two bombs. I am very close to my October goal of being in the 160's (169) didn't meet it in Oct but that's okay. I had a December or end of the year goal to be around 160. I think that I am going to keep that goal going...Keep on keepin' on!! I believe I can do it. Then it's all about maintaining.


  1. 160 by December is an awesome goal that's what I hope for too! Congrats Molly you are doing so awesome!!! Cutting sugar and carbs is amazing great job! Still working on my diet I've been getting crazy lol We can do it ladies!!

  2. Great job girls. When I went to the doctor's on Friday, I was sad to see a few more lbs. crept back on. 'sigh' I wasn't surprised though as between the extra time on the job and feeling awful, I've made no attempt at health and fitness. In my heart I know that eating well and working out = solid mental health in my case. Nerves and patience flourish when I'm working on 'me.' Knowing this and not doing something about it is taking it's toll. So I've a lot to think about!

    Keep up the great work!

  3. Christine- It is okay that the scale went up a few lbs at your doctors appointment. It is not going to ruin your goals. Just get back into the game. You said a while ago that since your work and home commitments were taking away from your exercise time but that you wanted to focus in on the eating part of your health plan. How is that working for you? If not at all...then what can you do to change it??? I suggest going online or through your cookbooks, find quick healthy recipes, list out your ingredients needed, shop for the week, and cook and eat only what you planned. Short on cook time? Crock pot it!! Try this for at least a week. See how it goes. You have to cook and eat for the family amd yourself and you can totally control this part of your life.
