Is anybody out there?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby Steps - or Attainable Goals for those who fell off the wagon!

Okay so these are NOT resolutions. I don't believe in them anymore. These are a few goals that I believe I can achieve, that will ultimately help me get back on track and that will hopefully become habit if I can stick to them throughout the month of January. If these have become habitual, then I can set a few more goals for February and so on.

1. I will make time to eat breakfast every day - and on weekends, it will be at a normal hour. Typically, I get rushed in the morning due to lack of night-time planning and if I skip something, it's always breakfast. Also, on weekends, we drag our feet around here and often have brunch or go right into lunch.

2.I will plan for and cook real meals more frequently. I often don't plan well enough ahead and am caught off guard trying to figure out what's for dinner while kids are coming and going for different things.

3. I will say NO more often. I will say this to myself to that extra fattening food item I am not hungry for and I will say this to people or things which take me away from my family and cause undue stress in my life.

Okay, those are my first three and I will add on or alter as I see fit!

Let the JOURNEY begin again! What will you do for yourself this year?

1 comment:

  1. you can do it! I know you can do it. Start small girl that's what I'm going to do. I'm having a hard time with saying no too. It's so difficult! Here is to the new year ;)
