Is anybody out there?

Monday, August 9, 2010

What I have done this week

Hello Ladies! I hope all is well and that you are all 'working it out.'

So as you all know I'm going to be a sophomore in college this year and it's tough being the bigger girl on campus. (No fun especially when you go to school in the O.C.) So I went to school last year and after winter break I went back to school weighing 189 pounds. So I cracked down and when I came home for summer I weighed 173! The lowest I have ever been! However not having access to a gym and a cafeteria filled with healthy choices I gained back 8 pounds this summer. So as of right now I am having a hard time getting back into the swing of things, and all I can think is when I go back to school it will get better.
However I keep worrying about what is going to happens when I get back from school for thanksgiving, winter, and summer break. Will I end up gaining all the weight back again? Trust me ladies it's the most frustrating thing knowing I did all that hard work and it went down the drain because it was easier to just eat the burger and fries.

So this past week I have been studying they way I treat my body when I am home and see where I can make changes.

  • Taking my vitamins regularly
  • Drinking enough water a day (great for skin and hair!)
  • When I go out to eat I check the calorie chart provided by the restaurant (usually on the table) and make a decision. Some of the calories are horrific!!!
  • Listening to my body and realizing when I am not hungry that I shouldn't eat because I'm bored or because it is convenient. 
  • Use the internet! I have looked up some easy recipes to use, how much water should I be drinking, and so much more. It's fantastic! 
  • Learning to say no! Example being when I go to my gram's house and she attacks me with food and saying no is like a 'maybe' so she keeps trying to convince you to eat. haha So I have to put my foot down and say that I am watching myself and it usually works. 
  • I haven't been sleeping normally and it is killer on my mood and body. 

My conclusion of this week is taking care of yourself is hard work! However once I understand my body I know I will treat it better and it will reflect inside and out.

Made some homemade wraps and they were fantastic! Also made a new dessert that I love! Here's the grocery list!
Whole wheat wrap tortillas, chicken (canned or ready made I tried booth), roman lettuce, black beans, and tuna. Get creative!
For dessert I had pudding with granola. It was amazing :)

Keep it up chicas!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Sammy! I think sometimes the hardest part of life changes is being brutely honest with ourselves. Can't wait to try your recipes! I've been scouring the internet and tried some wonderful things this week too! Let me know if you want any of them.
