Is anybody out there?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hey Ladies

Hows it going? I hope all of you are well and keeping up your healthy lifestyle. I am doing the best I can with my injury. I'm really being conscience of what I'm eating and I'm hoping that will be enough.

I also wanted to talk about the importance of being healthy today. I am taking a human physiology class at school and we are learning about diabetes, obesity, heart disease, osteoporoses, and  just how our body works. Let me tell you ladies you need to take care of yourselves because these are very serious health issues. I really didn't know the extent of what these health complications can do to your body and how some of these don't go away. This class has literally scared me into living a healthier life haha. So keep that in mind ladies we not only want to be super sexy but we want us all to be healthy! One of the best things that my mother has told me recently when I told her about pure barre and this blog she said that I need to take care of my body because one day I am going to be having children of my own and I will need to be healthy to care of them when they are in my tummy and when they are running around the house. When she told me that it really opened my eyes and it is definitely something to work for because like many of you I want to be healthy not only for myself but for my family.

So I just wanted to say we have all been doing so well. Sure we mess up and get a little crazy with the desserts but it's okay chicas. We are human and unlike before we are not sitting on our butts anymore and letting life pass us by! SO good job ladies keep up the good work and lets really go all out this week!
Get pumped!


  1. You're right Sammy. We only get one body so we had better take care of them eh? I am extremely proud of myself for being able to run farther and not get winded. This means that I have not only shed some pounds but I have strenghthened my heart and lungs!!

  2. yayaya congrats Molly!! You get it girl! haha it's the best feeling in the world when you realized that you out did your self in your workouts :)

  3. There you go ladies! It's funny but so true that when I started this it was to get healthy - mentally and physically. When I started focusing on 'losing weight' I got negative and started making excuses. Thanks for the reminder Sammy!

  4. I'm here to help and support lol I think people especially women just really psych themselves out because they are to busy focusing on the "losing weight" aspect of it. Actually I think that is definitely a major factor in why people give up in their weight loss endeavors! Epiphany haha That's why we need to stay positive ladies!
