Is anybody out there?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Like a fat kid in wonka's world

That is about how my weekend went. I was like a fat kid in Wonka's factory. I ate everything in sight. Tomorrow is weigh in day for me so I will assess the damage then. I don't get it. I am so good during the week then it all falls apart over the weekend. WTF?? I had better do double time tonight in jazzercise class. Maybe stay for the second class and do two hours worth. The way I am going I may not hit my goal...But I will still be within a couple pounds of it. So I will be and am still proud of myself.

How's everyone else doing?


  1. meh I know what you mean Molly! One word was bad...haha Don't worry your fine we are allowed to get a little crazy once in awhile. haha just don't beat yourself up over it! Now you know you need to work a little harder.

    I really need to watch my food intake because I'm not doing any physical activity for two weeks so needless to say I am freaking out. I hope everything will work out.

    You should be very proud of yourself! I am haha

  2. Well I weighed in this morning and I didn't gain anything since last week but I didn't lose anything either. I guess I need to really watch my portions. I know I have been slipping in that department.

    Sammy, Keep your head up for the next two weeks. You can still work your upper body. Bust out those dumb bells!! Sculp yourself some killer little black dress arms.

  3. Sammy

    Just remember...most people believe its 80% diet and 20% exercise. So if you really watch what you are eating and HOW MUCH, you will be fine while you are recovering : ) You can do it!

  4. Jess- How are you doing? Any weightloss? Recent engagement?

  5. Thanks guys! Means a lot! I will do my best ;)
