Is anybody out there?

Monday, December 20, 2010

I am so off course

Ladies I am so far off course...I haven't been exercising at all for like three weeks. My eating habits are slipping. I haven't gained but I know if I keep this up I will.

What are you ladies doing to keep you going? Any tips?


  1. Hi Molly! I think that you're not alone in this! We're all slipping or we wouldn't be avoiding the boards! Lets each come up with 2-3 small and attainable goals for the month of January and share those. Let's get back through baby steps!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Christine- I think that is a great idea!! I am going to post my baby goals

  3. Molly I am in the same boat chica! It's been really tough with my injury. IT's a new year so let's hopefully start fresh :)
