Is anybody out there?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 54 - Why are my posts taking weeks to show up??????

Oh, the joys of technology! I have no idea why my posts are appearing three weeks after I write them but it certainly makes my reading them more fun!

Yesterday, I attempted to discover where I'd left off on Meag's spring sweater but I am not really good at finding the needle in a haystack. I may have to frog it and begin again. I hate to do it as it's a really long cast on, but I'm only 1 1/2" into it so maybe it's better to count my losses now. I really need to find time for that "happy place." These days, work and life have been trying my patience and we'd all benefit from Mom finding a little time for peace!

On a totally different note, I have begun to allow myself time to write again. I have been working on finishing up 5 songs and have recorded the first two. I've been away from the performance aspect of my craft for far too long and this has really been motivating and inspiring! I've shared some of my pieces with some experts and some other trained musician. All seem to like what I've produced and I've gotten some really great constructive critiques which have allowed me to improve some things. I guess the real test is the family and friends I've shared them with. After all they are a more realistic sample of a potential audience. As hard as that's been, they've all loved it! Such a scary ledge to jump from but it's getting easier each time.

I've had some interesting doors open lately and if I can just get through the next 6 weeks with grace, who knows what next year will bring. I do know that it will be different in many ways and I can't wait!

Okay, off to rip it, rip it, rip it!!!!!!

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