Is anybody out there?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What would it take for you to be truly happy?

I guess with all the unwanted stress at work, this is a question I find myself struggling to answer in my life. So I thought I'd get us all off some of the disappointment of not reaching goals and help us to contemplate the bigger (ha! or should I say smaller) pictures of our lives.

So what would your life look like to make you truly happy?


  1. This is a great question Christine. I am a pretty happy person but some things could improve... I have come to realize that although I do really want to lose 15-20 more pounds...I am not totally unhappy with my body. I am proud of the hard work that has taken 25lbs off so far. I am proud to be in better health.

  2. ofcourse there are always the financial stresses and work, family, relationship issues that could improve.

  3. I would be healthy inside and out. I would be an amazing and attentive student who does her homework right after class and doesn't procrastinate and leave things to the very last minute. My family wouldn't have any financial issue and we would be able to pay my school tuition. I would have a job that would not only provide for myself but would allow me to help my family.

    It's been a rough couple months :/ haha

  4. Sounds like we all have some things that are within our own control and some that may not be! I'm trying to make myself focus on what I can take hold of and change. I have always been an "all or nothing" type of personality and it leads to trouble - always. I have the most difficulty finding balance in my life. That's my focus as of right now. Maybe that will help me with my health issues too!

  5. Christine- It is okay that the scale went up a few lbs at your doctors appointment. It is not going to ruin your goals. Just get back into the game. You said a while ago that since your work and home commitments were taking away from your exercise time but that you wanted to focus in on the eating part of your health plan. How is that working for you? If not at all...then what can you do to change it??? I suggest going online or through your cookbooks, find quick healthy recipes, list out your ingredients needed, shop for the week, and cook and eat only what you planned. Short on cook time? Crock pot it!! Try this for at least a week. See how it goes. You have to cook and eat for the family amd yourself and you can totally control this part of your life.
