Is anybody out there?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Goals

Christine first I have to say that your Tuscany project is beautiful. You are very talanted.

Ok my baby step goals for January is to lose just 5 pounds...Why just five? Because it is a do-able goal for me. I plan to break my main goal up into three month baby goals of 5 lbs a month. I am only 15 pounds away from being at my final goal that I had set when we first started out. The holidays are over so the yummy food temptations are no longer an issue, I can get back to the way it was when I was on track and loosing.


  1. Sounds great Molly! You can certainly do that and I think we'll all have an easier time staying on track....although I've not had breakfast yet - this year!

    And thanks! I love knitting. It's my de-stresser!

  2. I have a solution for you...If you like eggs.

    Since moving and having a longer commute. I found myself in a time crunch in the morning so naturally breakfast was the first thing to go. Well not anymore. I hard boil eggs and peel them this way i can grab one and eat in the car. Eggs are great they have lots of protein and if you are worried about cholestorol or fat you can ditch the yolk. One egg and a piece of fruit BF is done.
