Is anybody out there?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 42 - There's more to life than....

There's more to life than things, money, work, etc., etc. Today was a nice day of spending time together. We had errands to run and such but we all did it together. Meag and I got new hair cuts; the boys got new sneakers! And tonight while Meag and I had a crying good time watching Love Happens (highly recommend that one) and the boys had a Columbo marathon, I finished the February square for Sean's afghan! It was an easy pattern and fun to knit. I really have to figure out the picture thing soon and will post both January and February squares tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That's so fun that a stranger sent you stuff! Also good for you for realizing family is way more fun to spend time with than worrying about budget cuts! Am in that boat myself (position got cut to 4 days a week), but I am trying to find other things to focus on! Good job Christine!
