Is anybody out there?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cardiac Lane

Well I have decided that I need to step it up if I am going to hit my goal of 169 by halloween. I have gotten back in the swing of Jazzercise 2-3 days a week, but I need to do something the other 4-5 days. At our community college there is this hill of staircases named Cardiac Lane. I have been running it twice a night on non Jazz days. The first time almost gave me cardiac arrest!! But I am commited to losing this weight and reaching my final goal. 169 by Halloween...160 by xmas...then maintain.

What about everyone else? What are your final goals? Lets say them again.
How have to stayed with your fitness goals this week? Christine any luck? Sammy pure barre? Jessica still hitting the gym?


  1. I did 5 classes of pure barre this week and I still feel sore! As of right now I feel more toned and each class I feel stronger. However I don't think the scale is moving I did my jeans trick and most of my clothes don't fit as snug as they used to. So it's cheered me up. I think I might go to the gym on my days off so I can get more results.

    My goals is to be 169 by the end of October and then we shall see where we go from there maybe 10 pounds more by Thanksgiving? haha That holiday gets me every time lol.I just want to be in the 60's. That alone would make me so excited!

  2. Way to go Sammy!! I think your jeans trick rocks by the way. The holidays get me everytime too. I really need to find a way to trick my mind into thinking that I hate halloween candy. Any suggestions??

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