Is anybody out there?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Christine listen up!

Oh no!!! This calls for an emergency reality will be good promise!
Okay so you have lost a couple pounds and you are doing a fantastic job. It may not seem like a lot but trust me you are on your way to those cute clothes you bought and held on to!  I know how you feel it is frustrating especially the first couple weeks when you start on your diet and exercise routine. Trust me I know it is way easier to grab the fast food, sweets, and snacks but what is that going to do? Yes it's easier but what is going to happen when you get side track and then before you know it you gain back the weight you lost? All those salads you ate and all that walking you did will go to waste.

As for the food going bad totally understand. It has happen to our family often and the solution is to think as this as trail and error. You bought 'x' amount of food and it was to much so buy less next time. It's okay if you run out of food because you can buy more. Also look for some recipes online that can help you get rid of some of the food you have that might go bad. Make a smoothie, put that salad in a tortilla wrap, but the bread in the fridge or find a recipe that you can use it with, and chop up the veggies and get creative!

So I know the number one thing you are worried about is school starting the best advice I can give is be prepared! Think of all the things you know will come up and will possibly hinder you in your weight loss goal and come up with solutions. You get hungry in between classes pack some almonds or trail mix. Pack your own lunch and don't necessarily deprive yourself of the food in the cafeteria. Make wise choices and work hard in your exercises if you chose something iffy that day. Pack your workout clothes in your car and walk right after work. So then you have the whole evening for correcting papers. I do this when I am in school I feel guilty if I don't go. If that isn't your ideal plan walk after dinner. Take the husband or children along. Everything will be okay you know what to expect so take action!  As you tell your students be prepared when you come to class!! haha....I couldn't resist ;)

Also think of what has happened so far in your journey. You have lost weight. you have more energy, you have spent more time with the family, and you are improving your lifestyle. So it is okay to feel upset and unhappy with the current situation but keep imagining yourself as the person you will be when you reach your goal weight imagine that feeling. Always think of the positives. A great quote that I always remember and helps get me off my butt is "nothing taste as good as skinny feels." I know silly, and though I have yet to feel it I believe it!!! So keep up the great work and don't let it get you down!

Yesterday I felt just like you felt today. I feel like I am not going anywhere and I feel so fat and disgusting. However I read your post to me and it made me feel loads better. It made my day! I thank you for that. So keep it up Christine we can do it!

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