Is anybody out there?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Time for ourselves...

OMG! Christine! Can I just say Jane Eyre is my favorite book!!! I just finished reading it for the first time last night and let me tell you it is the best!!! I was so excited when I found out you were reading it! I love love love this book. I wish I had read it earlier.

Also when you discussed how taking time for ourselves is important, I agree! It wasn't until recently did I realize that I kept giving giving giving and I wasn't really taking time for myself. Now I just have to figure how to do this without neglecting my other priorities. Any ideas?


  1. I'm just about to find out how Jane's introduction to the "fine ladies" who have come to stay at Thornfield goes! I want to go walking again tonight just to hear more but it will have to wait till tomorrow!

    That bit about making time is the hardest by far. When I'm done working, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, being a present and interested Mom, I'm exhausted. I want my 'me time' to be plopped down with a good book or movie. That's why that audio book is my carrot! I can't have it unless I walk!

    I'm also going to carve out an extra 1/2 hour to work out in the am to start my day. This time can only come from sleep so....I guess that means earlier bed times. That will be tough as after all are in bed is when I usually unwind by myself!

    See, that's the hardest part isn't it?

  2. oh my goodness it's going to get really good! The 2006 movie is fantastic after reading the book you should definitely see it. I loved it!

    Working out in the morning has great benefits. Beware though I would get so tired in the middle of the afternoon. By the time it hit 1 I would need a nap. So as long as you go to bed at a good time you will be fine. I fell asleep in class bueno haha. I want to try getting an audio book I think I will like it a lot.
