Is anybody out there?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Yay for being talked down from the ledge haha

So first I am just going to say I am so jealous you got the Jillian Michaels routines!!! I have been wanting those desperately but I haven't bought them yet. Now you can tell me if you like them. I have done my research and I love love love Jillian. If you go on her movies have tons of reviews by all kinds of people. She is tough and I remember doing like 15 minutes of one of her videos and I was ready to hurl because I was't prepared at all for this great workout. So eat well, get enough sleep, and drink lots of water and you will do great.  She will literally kick your butt and you will love her for it! Let me know what you think! Also don't forget to stretch before and after.

Congrats on doing all of your school work ahead a time! This is called getting down and getting funky haha Great job!

So I thought I mentioned this haha I am actually studying to be a teacher! Currently I am thinking of starting in elementary but I hope to one day be a high school counselor. I am attending Chapman University as an Integrated Educational Studies major and a double minor in history and Latin American studies. I am loving their program so far it's Education but with a fancier name haha. It's great. Also I will probably be tutoring some kids in an after school program this coming school year so I am very excited to get some experience in.

No worries I am so happy you posted your response Christine! It was perfect. It was exactly what this blog is all about getting support when we need it most! I just hope I wasn't to crazy sounding haha

Have a great rest of the day!


  1. Ha! Perfect timing as I just got in from delivering my son to his gf's house! and there you were! You're right, you did mention that in your initial questionnaire! I just forgot where to look.

    It's funny because when I read your other post, I was thinking "wouldn't Sammy make a wonderful teacher?!"

    Jillian kicked my butt and this afternoon I'm pretty sore. BUT, I loved it and because it's only 20 minutes long, by that 15 minute mark I just have to remind myself it's almost over! Definitely worth the $9.00 and 20 minutes a day! :)

  2. yay I knew you would like Jillian! She pushes and it makes you work hard! She is scary in a good way haha

    Thanks! I honestly think it is my true calling to teach haha I hope I don't traumatize any children haha

  3. Hey I am also a teacher. I teach massage for injury treatment. I used to teach full time but now I travel with a small group of instructors and teach continued education seminars as well as work in a chiropractic office as a therapist. Specializing ofcourse in injury treatment.
